Web Design and Quality Assurance

Web design and Web hosting:

Present day's software programming techniques have reached to a new height to cope with the ever-changing scenario of web design and web hosting principles. With the growing security concerns and increasing need of quality assurance, the task of web development has become increasingly challenging for today's IT community. To ensure highest data security, new tools like PHP programming, .Net programming, etc. have evolved over the years. With rapid development in the e-commerce activity, web hosting has become the new way of existence for the business community. Mere knowledge on software programming is no more enough for achieving success in web development. In a single word, web design and web hosting calls for all the efficiency of software programming coupled with administrative skills, business awareness and a quality expertise on the multimedia art.

Phases of Web Design:

Basic understanding of HTML and Microsoft's FrontPage, in addition to expertise on .Net programming and PHP programming, are essential in order to establish greater quality assurance in web development and web hosting fields. Following are the different phases of web design, if followed meticulously success can be achieved without much difficulty.

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(a) Phase I: Defining Scope: Every web development project should have a defined scope outlining the need of gathering related information, risk and budget analysis, defining constraints, etc. The scope should be defined keeping in mind the business needs and existing technology of software programming.

(b) Phase II: Project Planning: Information gathered is now required to be re-evaluated with complete quality assurance guidelines. Formalities regarding web hosting also require to be conceptualized now.

(c) Phase III: Design and Testing: Now the actual designing should start. Testing also needs to be accomplished along every stages of web development in order to provide a consistent degree of quality assurance. There is a wide spread belief within the IT community that testing can be tasked at a later stage; but that is not fruitful and goes against the ethos of software programming technology.

(d) Phase IV: Production and Implementation. In this phase, content and layout are merged to give a final shape to the web development. Uses of PHP programming and .Net programming techniques are very important in this phase as they are the state-of-the-art tools for such purposes.

(e) Phase V: Maintenance and Updating. Once the web hosting is completed, maintenance and updating at regular intervals are mandatory to keep the website purpose-worthy.

Issues of Quality Assurance:

Quality of design and quality of conformance are the two types of quality issues that we generally come across with the web development. Quality of design calls for a sound knowledge on the software programming techniques, especially knowledge of PHP programming and .Net programming are very much essential in order to ensure quality assured web development. 

Quality of conformance is the degree to which the design specifications are met during the development and implementation stages. Web site quality assurance plan should include the ways and means of design specification evaluation, procedures of audits and reviews, prescribed ways of monitoring defined standards, mechanism for error reporting and error tracking, etc.

If you require more information about web design and development services in Lahore then feel free to contact Softenica Technologies. They will guide you to design your website in best way, and also fulfill your requirements about website design and development.