Top Tips To Boost Your Landing Page Design And Development

The landing page is usually the first opportunity to make an impression on your potential customers. Many people use landing pages for a variety of different reasons but they are usually advertorial. Optimized designs can mean the difference between people clicking away from your site or reading on to learn more. There are many schools of thought regarding different aspects of design, however there are several universal top tips which can boost your landing page design and development.

• Focus on your audience:

This is an area of landing page design and development where many people go wrong. You should never forget who your target audience is and what they are expecting. There is no point in having an excellent web page which has a focus on gardening if your audience is car enthusiasts. You should take the time to consider and determine exactly who your target audience is. This will enable you to focus your design of your web page for your audience. The main aspect is to retain the connection between your audience and what you are trying to achieve. You are more likely to develop a loyal customer base of people who believe you understand them and their requirements.

• Keep information requests to a minimum:

Obviously, you are looking to develop a following for your product or services, but you should bear in mind that many people are security conscious and worry about disclosing their personal details. If you are looking for people to subscribe to your newsletter, do you really need their date of birth, home addresses and phone numbers? Asking for excessive information can make your legitimate site appear suspect and you may lose subscribers.

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• Offer rewards:

The main focus of your landing page design and development should be to entice potential readers with rewards and benefits. This could be exclusive content which will provide them with tips or blog style information posts by email regularly. This can establish your site as providing the best information on a particular niche. Once you have been emailing your readers for a couple of campaigns, you can then send them a link to another page for a loyalty reward. This could include a free report filled with even more information or tips and tricks. Don't forget that on this page you should feature a link to your final landing pages to allow them to purchase the relevant products to your campaign which will allow them to experience all the benefits from your report.

This landing page design and development strategy is very popular and has proven to deliver great results. You are supplying your potential customer with compelling and useful information before they purchase. This can create buyer loyalty for your products and services which will provide long-term results. Just bear in mind that your email campaign should feature high quality campaign which is of benefit to your readers.