3-Step Philosophy To Build Custom Web Design And Development

For brands to survive today they must invest in websites that are dynamic and all-inclusive in themselves. A site must be able to connect with the user on a personal level and offer an enriching browsing experience. There are many ingredients to build a consistent, efficient and innovative business site with an all new breed of developers entering the market. As of now,

Let's take a look at how brands can build custom web design and development for their business in 3 steps:

Create An Influence:

Follow the latest market trends to invest in a business site that is both impacting and trust-worthy, at the same time. Convey the brand message in a crystal clear format with effective use of text, videos and graphics. Create eye-catching as well as sophisticated web design that is easy to interpret. Keep the user interface simple yet interactive to ensure visitor's attention at one go.

Choose the best hosting platform available today such as Tumblr, WordPress to name a few that best suits your business needs. Select a stunning template design which does not require too much maintenance and you will be good to go.

Make It Usable:

As per a survey most users wait for just 6 to 10 seconds only before they abandon any site. Make sure your site is easy to navigate and fast to load. Guide your users by placing site maps, accessible contact information, strategic links, and a fully functional search bar with in-built recommendation facility.

Likewise, test your site on at-least 3 popular browsers to check its loading time and remove flashy graphics to improve your site's speed. The survey further states that, a 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions for an e-commerce site which is equivalent to loss of $2.5 million.

Make It Count:

To generate some seriously good ROI form your business website place analytics on every web page possible. Measure the online activity on a daily basis and check for sources of traffic and revenue. Formulate your next business goals based on these results and 'innovate' your business strategy as much as you can.

Opt for a mix of paid and free analytic tools to gauge your site's performance real-time. Build a custom web design and development aim for every week or every month and explore creative methods to achieve your goals. Keep yourself motivated at every step to infuse new life to your business.

To Conclude - Observe Everything That Surrounds Your Business:

Whether its your competitors, clients, end users, market policies, development guidelines or just about anything. Keep yourself updated with the latest in the economy to build mind-grappling business sites that convey your business priorities and are futuristic at the same time.